It's my intention to complete a mini-project as part of my blog which will:-

1. Establish the carbon footprint of our current lifestyle; and
2. Review all kinds of methods that I can use to reduce our carbon footprint.

To track posts directly relating to this project only, hit the label "Carbon Footprint"....

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Carbon Emmissions from Driving...

Today has been a great day! We've managed to get rid of the Kia Grand Carnival "Bus" and will be replacing it with something(s) more practical....

The Kia did have its uses but I always hated the idea of having a people mover but there were bona fide reasons for the original purchase. Thankfully these reasons no longer apply.

Now if I'm going to Walk the Talk so to speak, as a "Greenie", having a 3800 c.c. V6 powered "bus" was never going to be a good look!
So, we are now going to be the proud keepers of;
  • a VW Polo 1.4i, and
  • an Alfa Romeo 156 Wagon
The combined capacity of these 2 vehicles is still 400 c.c. less than the SUV so it is certainly a step in the right direction.
The idea is that Ains will use the Polo for everyday commuting and I will drop of the kids at daycare with the Alfa and hopefully, use my bicycle as my main form of transport to and from University....

What I'd really like to know is how much this will ACTUALLY reduce our cabon footprint by. I know there are websites around that give figures but these tend to be for new cars - not the likes of these that are fast approaching 10 years old. I'll come back to this blog when I have researched this a bit further.....

In the meantime, thanks to "Granny" Choate for funding our transport in these, our desperate times!

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